
Business Source 3-Hole Poly Insert Index Dividers

SKU: BSN32371

MFG: Business Source

Sold in multiples of 1

Poly index dividers offer large tabs and inserts that provide 50 percent more space than standard dividers. Customize using your laser or inkjet printer. Three-hole punched index dividers are made of 16mm plastic. Templates are available online. Each set includes blank inserts and five assorted colors: blue, green, pink, orange and yellow.

Business Source 3-Hole Poly Insert Index Dividers - 8 Print-on Tab(s) - 8.50" Divider Width x 11" Divider Length - Letter - Plastic Divider - Multicolor Tab(s) - Insertable - 8 / Set

Price CAD: $4.10

Shipping Weight (lbs): 0.196

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