iWalk3.0™ Medical Mobility Device, User Height, 155 cm - 185.5 cm, Medical Device Class, Non-Medical
Sold in multiples of 1
- The iWALK3.0 is the best solution for non-weight bearing lower leg injuries
- The iWalk3.0 is also well-cushioned for comfort, and you use the same upper leg muscles that you normally would, so there is no unusual strain on any body part like there is with standard crutches
- Its unique design allows you to carry out everyday tasks with more confidence and less risk of further injury
- The iWALK3.0 knee walker can be used after surgery to instantly bring back your mobility
- Hands free
Unit of Measure: EACH
Shipping Weight (lbs): 37.22
This is a special order item. You require a minimum combined total of $150.00 of any of these items in order to check out.