
Battery Charger

SKU: XC672


Sold in multiples of 1

  • Drop batteries in the charger, close the lid, charging begins automatically
  • Contacts auto-adjust
  • LCD enables users to see charge status
  • Charges: 4 AA in 3 hrs.* (2500 mAh), 8 AA in 6 hrs. (2500 mAh), 4 AAA in 3 hrs* (900 mAh), 8 AAA in 6 hrs. (900 mAh), 4 C/D in 6 hrs. (2500 mAh), 9V 175 in 7 hrs. (175 mAh), *Maximum of one battery per bay for shortest charging times

Price CAD: $33.70

Shipping Weight (lbs): 1.07

This is a special order item. You require a minimum combined total of $150.00 of any of these items in order to check out.

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